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Latest update: June 24th, 2024.

Taxonomy of the family Diplodactylidae
Bibliography of the genus Diplodactylus
Biodiversity of the family Diplodactylidae


Australian Ground and Stone Geckos

Australische Erd- und Steingeckos

Australske Jord- og Stengekkoer

1832 Diplodactylus Gray (type species: Diplodactylus vittatus Gray 1832)
1870 Stenodactylopsis Steindachner (type species: Stenodactylopsis pulcher Steindachner 1870; syn. Bauer 1994)
1989 Manwellisaurus Wells & Wellington (type species: Diplodactylus conspicillatus Lucas & Frost 1897; syn. Bauer 1994)
1989 Ozziedactylus Wells & Wellington (type species: Diplodactylus steindachneri Boulenger 1885; syn. Bauer 1994)
1989 Turnerdactylus Wells & Wellington (type species: Diplodactylus stenodactylus Boulenger 1896; syn. Bauer 1994)
Contents: 27 species, all of which are endemic.
Endemism: 0% 100%
Distribution: Australia (Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia).

Diplodactylus ameyi

Eastern Deserts Fat-tailed Gecko

Östlicher Wüsten-Fettschwanzgecko

Østlig Ørken-fedthalegekko

2016 Diplodactylus ameyi Couper & Oliver

Remarks: Previously regarded as populations of platyurus.
Distribution: Australia (New South Wales, Queensland).

Diplodactylus barraganae

Gulf Fat-tailed Gecko



2014 Diplodactylus barraganae Oliver, Couper & Pepper

Distribution: Australia (Northern Territory, Queensland).

Diplodactylus bilybara

Western Fat-tailed Gecko

Westlicher Fettschwanzgecko

Vestlig Fedthalegekko

2014 Diplodactylus bilybara Oliver, Couper & Pepper

Distribution: Australia (Western Australia).

Diplodactylus calcicolus

South Coast Gecko, (Eastern Stone Gecko)

Südaustralischer Küstengecko

Sydaustralsk Kystgekko

2009 Diplodactylus calcicolus Hutchinson, Doughty & Oliver

Distribution: Australia (South Australia, Western Australia).

Diplodactylus capensis

Cape Range Stone Gecko

Cape Range-Steingecko

Cape Range-stengekko

2008 Diplodactylus capensis Doughty, Oliver & Adams

Distribution: Australia (Western Australia).

Diplodactylus conspicillatus

Variable Fat-tailed Gecko, Australian Fat-tailed Gecko

Bunter Fettschwanzgecko

Broget Fedthalegekko

1897 Diplodactylus conspicillatus Lucas & Frost
Manwellisaurus conspicillatus Wells & Wellington 1989

Remarks: Previously included hillii, laevis, and platyurus, as well as the populations now known as ameyi.
Distribution: Australia (New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia).

Diplodactylus custos

Kimberley Fat-tailed Gecko



2014 Diplodactylus custos Oliver, Couper & Pepper

Distribution: Australia (Western Australia).

Diplodactylus fulleri

Lake Disappointment Ground Gecko

Lake Disappointment-Gekko

Lake Disappointment-jordgekko

1978 Diplodactylus fulleri Storr
Turnerdactylus fulleri Wells & Wellington 1989

Distribution: Australia (Western Australia).

Diplodactylus furcosus

Ranges Stone Gecko



1863 Diplodactylus furcosus Peters

Remarks: Previously regarded as a synonym of vittatus (e.g., Cogger, Cameron & Cogger 1983). Revalidated by Hutchinson, Doughty & Oliver (2009), although regarded as valid already by Bauer (1994).
Distribution: Australia (New South Wales, South Australia).

Diplodactylus furcosus
© Henrik Bringsøe

Diplodactylus galaxias

Northern Pilbara Beak-faced Gecko

Nördlicher Pilbara-Schnabelgekko

Nordlig Pilbara-næbgekko

2010 Diplodactylus galaxias Doughty, Pepper & Keogh

Distribution: Australia (Western Australia).

Diplodactylus galeatus

Mesa Gecko, Australian Quartz Gecko, (Helmeted Gecko)



1963 Diplodactylus galeatus Kluge

Distribution: Australia (Northern Territory, South Australia).

Diplodactylus galeatus
© Rune Midtgaard

Diplodactylus granariensis

Wheatbelt Stone Gecko



1979 Diplodactylus granariensis Storr
1936 Phyllodactylus barbouri Angel (Bauer 1994)
1988 Diplodactylus granariensis rex Storr

Other common names:
granariensis: Western Stone Gecko
rex: Giant Stone Gecko, Goldfields Stone Gecko
Distribution: Australia (Western Australia).

Diplodactylus hillii

Northern Fat-tailed Gecko

Nördlicher Fettschwanzgecko

Nordlig Fedthalegekko

1915 Diplodactylus hillii Longman

Remarks: Previously regarded as a synonym of conspicillatus (e.g., Bauer 1994). Revalidated as a separate species by Oliver, Couper & Pepper (2014).
Distribution: Australia (Northern Territory).

Diplodactylus kenneallyi

Lake Buchanan Gecko, (Keneally's Gecko)

Lake Buchanan-Gekko

Lake Buchanan-gekko

1988 Diplodactylus kenneallyi Storr
Manwellisaurus kenneallyi Wells & Wellington 1989

Distribution: Australia (Western Australia).

Diplodactylus klugei

Carnarvon Basin Saddled Ground Gecko



1998 Diplodactylus klugei Aplin & Adams

Distribution: Australia (Western Australia).

Diplodactylus laevis

Desert Fat-tailed Gecko



1925 Gymnodactylus laevis Sternfeld
Diplodactylus laevis Oliver, Couper & Pepper 2014

Remarks: Previously regarded as a synonym of conspicillatus (e.g., Bauer 1994). Revalidated as a separate species by Oliver, Couper & Pepper (2014).
Distribution: Australia (Northern Territory, South Australia, Western Australia).

Diplodactylus lateroides

Speckled Stone Gecko

Gesprenkelter Steingecko

Spættet Stengekko

2013 Diplodactylus lateroides Doughty & Oliver

Distribution: Australia (Western Australia).

Diplodactylus mitchelli

Pilbara Stone Gecko, (Mitchell's Stone Gecko)



1963 Diplodactylus mitchelli Kluge

Distribution: Australia (Western Australia).

Diplodactylus nebulosus

Cloudy Stone Gecko



2013 Diplodactylus nebulosus Doughty & Oliver

Distribution: Australia (Western Australia).

Diplodactylus ornatus

Ornate Ground Gecko, Ornate Stone Gecko



1845 Diplodactylus ornatus Gray
Phyllodactylus ornatus Duméril 1856

Remarks: Previously regarded as a synonym of vittatus (e.g., Cogger, Cameron & Cogger 1983).
Distribution: Australia (Western Australia).

Diplodactylus platyurus

Eastern Fat-tailed Gecko

Östlicher Fettschwanzgecko

Østlig Fedthalegekko

1926 Diplodactylus platyurus Parker

Remarks: Previously regarded as a synonym of conspicillatus (e.g., Bauer 1994). Revalidated as a separate species by Oliver, Couper & Pepper (2014). Now restricted to Queensland. Previously included the populations now assigned to ameyi. Records from New South Wales and SW. Queensland refer to ameyi.
Distribution: Australia (Queensland).

Diplodactylus polyophthalmus

Spotted Sandplain Gecko, (Speckled Stone Gecko)

Gefleckter Steingecko

Plettet Stengekko

1867 Diplodactylus polyophthalmus Günther

Remarks: Previously regarded as a synonym of vittatus (e.g., Cogger, Cameron & Cogger 1983).
Distribution: Australia (Western Australia).

Diplodactylus pulcher

Western Saddled Ground Gecko, Fine-faced Gecko, Patchwork Gecko

Westaustralischer Erdgecko

Vestaustralsk Jordgekko

1870 Stenodactylopsis pulcher Steindachner
Diplodactylus pulcher Boulenger 1885
1903 Diplodactylus bilineatus Lucas & Frost [not Diplodactylus bilineatus Gray 1845] (Bauer 1994)
1909 Diplodactylus pulcher var. dorsotaeniata Pellegrin (Bauer 1994)
1910 Diplodactylus pulcher var. dorsalis Werner (Bauer 1994)
Diplodactylus dorsalis Wells & Wellington 1985
1914 Diplodactylus lucasi Fry (Bauer 1994)

Distribution: Australia (South Australia, Western Australia).

Diplodactylus pulcher
© Henrik Bringsøe

Diplodactylus savagei

Southern Pilbara Beak-faced Gecko, Yellow-spotted Pilbara Gecko, (Savage's Gecko)

Südlicher Pilbara-Schnabelgekko

Sydlig Pilbara-næbgekko

1963 Diplodactylus savagei Kluge
Manwellisaurus savagei Wells & Wellington 1989

Distribution: Australia (Western Australia).

Diplodactylus tessellatus

Tessellated Gecko



1875 Stenodactylopsis tessellatus Günther
Diplodactylus tessellatus Boulenger 1885
1909 Diplodactylus pachyurus Werner (Bauer 1994)

Distribution: Australia (New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria).

Diplodactylus tessellatus
© Henrik Bringsøe

Diplodactylus vittatus

Eastern Stone Gecko, Wood Gecko

Östlicher Steingecko

Østlig Stengekko

1832 Diplodactylus vittatus Gray
Phyllodactylus vittatus Duméril in Duméril & Duméril 1851

Remarks: Previously included furcosus, ornatus, and polyophthalmus.
Distribution: Australia (Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland [incl. Fraser Island], South Australia, Victoria).

Diplodactylus wiru

Desert Wood Gecko



2009 Diplodactylus wiru Hutchinson, Doughty & Oliver

Distribution: Australia (South Australia, Western Australia).