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Bibliography of the reptiles of
Crete  [Greece]

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Broggi, M.F. 2014. The herpetofauna of the isolated island of Gavdos (Greece). Herpetozoa 27(1-2): 83-90.

Catsadorakis, G. 1995. The vertebrate animals of Samaria National Park (Crete, Greece). Biologia Gallo-Hellenica 22: 9-22.

Coghlan, S. 1988. Birdwatching in Crete. Published by the author, Huddersfield. 42 pp.

Gilpin, H.G.B. 1979. Reptiles and amphibians in Crete. Aquarist and Pondkeeper 43(11): 449-451.

Kyriazi, P.; Kornilios, P.; Nagy, Z.T.; Poulakakis, N.; Kumlutas, Y.; Ilgaz, C.; Avci, A.; Göcmen, B.; Lymberakis, P. 2013. Comparative phylogeography reveals distinct colonization patterns of Cretan snakes. Journal of Biogeography 40(6): 1143-1155.

Ligdopoulou, T.; Zohrer, M.; Newbury, N. 1994. Sea Turtle conservation problems on Crete and the need for long-term planning. Marine Turtle Newsletter 64: 13-15.

Metzler, H.; Gebhardt, M. 1982. Kreta: der Amphibien und Reptilien und nicht Minos' wegen. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 35(10): 390-393.

Sakoulis, A. 2008. Amphibians, Reptiles & Mammals of Crete. Mystis, Heraklion. 72 pp.

Schepp, U. 1996. Herpetologische Notizen von einer Kretareise, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Eidechsen. Die Eidechse 7(18): 16-21.

Snowden, D.T. 1987. Herpetofauna of Crete. Herptile 12(4): 134-135.

Sowig, P. 1985. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Verbreitung und Ökologie der Amphibien und Reptilien Kretas. Salamandra 21(4): 252-262.

Stepanek, O. 1934. Sur l'herpetologie de l'ile de Crete. Sbor. zool Odd. narod. Mus. Praze 1: 7-10.

Stepanek, O. 1938. Zweiter Beitrag zur Herpetologie der Insel Kreta. Vest. ceskosl. Zool. Spolec. Praze 5: 77-78.

Stugren, B.; Lydataki, S. 1986. Beiträge zur Herpetologie der Insel Kreta (Amphibia et Reptilia). Zoologische Abhandlungen (Dresden) 42(4): 57-64.

Troumbis, A.Y. 1993. The place of the herpetofauna in the design of a nature reserve system: hypotheses, concepts and structure of data. pp. 263-278. In: Valakos, E.D.; Böhme, W.; Perez-Mellado, V. & Maragou, P. (eds.). Lacertids of the Mediterranean region. A biological approach. Hellenic Zoological Society, Athens, Greece. 281 pp.

Wettstein-Westersheimb, O. von 1968. Zoologische Aufsammlungen auf Kreta: Amphibien und Reptilien. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 72: 405-408.