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Bibliography of the reptiles of

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Blitterswijk, H. van; Stumpel, A.H.P.; Arens, P.F.P.; Ottburg, F.G.W.A. 2005. Adders onder het gras. Beschikbaarheid en bruikbaarheid van ecologische en genetische kennis over amfibieen en reptielen en de knelpunten voor beleid en beheer. [Snakes in the grass. Availability and usefulness of ecological and genetic information on amphibians and reptiles and the bottlenecks in policy and management]. (In Dutch). Alterra Rapport 1149: 1-76.

Bree, P.J.H. van 1961. Notes sur les amphibiens et reptiles de la Hassane. Vie et Milieu 12: 380.

Brugman, P. 1993. Het Euregio landbouw- en landschapsprojekt: nieuwe kansenvoor de herpetofauna in het Nederlands-Duitse grensgebied. Een tussenbalans. [The 'Euregio' agricultural and landscape project: new opportunities for the herpetofauna in the Dutch-German frontier area. An interim evaluation]. (In Dutch). Waarnemingen van Amfibieen en Reptielen in Nederland 1992: 51-56.

Buggenum, H.J.M.; Geraeds, R.P.G.; Lenders, A.J.W. (eds.). 2009. Herpetofauna van Limburg – Verspreiding en Ecologie van Amfibieën en Reptielen in der Period 1908–2008. (In Dutch). Stichting Natuurpublicaties Limburg (SNL), Roermond. 439 pp.

Creemers, R. 2003. Red List of reptiles & amphibians in the Netherlands. Nederlandsche Commissie voor Internationale Natuurbescherming Mededelingen 38: 121-125.

Creemers, R.; Delft, J. van (eds.). 2009. De Amfibieën en Reptilien van Nederland. [The amphibians and reptiles of the Netherlands]. (In Dutch). Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Naturalis, European Invertebrate Survey, Leiden. 476 pp.

Cuppen, H.D.J.J. 1976. Floristische en faunistische inventarisatie van het Loobeekdal (Gem. Venray). Natuurhistorisch Maandblad 65(6): 93-105.

Fog, K.; Podloucky, R.; Dierking, U.; Stumpel, A. 1996. Red List of amphibians and reptiles of the Wadden Sea area. Schriftenreihe für Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz 47: 107-112.

Fog, K.; Podloucky, R.; Dierking, U.; Stumpel, A. 1996. Red list of amphibians and reptiles of the Wadden Sea Area. Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen 50: 107-112.

Fonteyne, J.J. de la 1959. Reptielen en amphibien in Nederland. Lacerta 17: 75-76.

Goverse, E.; Janse, M.; Zwartepoorte, H.; McLean, P.; Bonnet, P.; Oosterbaan, A.; Hilterman, M.; Dondorp, E. 2014. Notes on sea turtles from the Netherlands: an overview 1707-2013. Marine Turtle Newsletter 141: 3-7.

Hermans, H. 1960. Reptielen en amfibieen in de omgeving van Venlo. Natuurh. Maandbl. 49: 76-78.

Horst, J.T. 1959. Iets over de bescherming van reptilien en amfibieen in Zuid-Limburg. Levende Nat. 62: 138-144.

Horst, J.T. 1960. De verspreiding der Amfibia en Reptilia in Zuid-Limburg. Natuurh. Maandbl. 49(9-12): 105-118.

Horst, J.T. 1962. De verspreiding van de amphibia en reptilia in Zuid-Limburg (1). Aquarium (Den Haag) 32: 226-230.

Horst, J.T. 1962. De verspreiding van de amphibia en reptilia in Zuid-Limburg (2). Aquarium (Den Haag) 32: 255-260.

Parent, G.H. 1981. Materiaux pour une herpetofaune de l'Europe occidentale contribution a la revision chorologique de l'herpetofaune de la France et du Benelux. Bulletin Mensuel de la Societe Linneenne de Lyon 50(3): 86-111.

Parent, G.H. 1989. Essai de delimitation de territoires biogeographiques pour l'herpetofaune du Benelux. Bulletin de la Societe des Naturalistes Luxembourgeois 89: 81-103.

Pon, J.H. du 1980. Act on threatened species of animals. Chelonologica 1(2): 64-78.

Rekum, M. van 1959. Nogmaals: Reptielen en Amphibien in Nederland. Lacerta 18: 1-2.

Roding, G.M. 1958. Slangen in Twente. Levende Nat. 61: 82-84.

Rueter, S.; Vos, C.C.; Eupen, M. van; Ruehmkorf, H. 2014. Transboundary ecological networks as an adaptation strategy to climate change: The example of the Dutch-German border. Basic and Applied Ecology 15(8): 639-650.

Schouten, M.A.; Barendregt, A.; Verweij, P.A.; Kalkman, V.J.; Kleukers, R.M.J.C.; Lenders, H.J.R.; Siebel, H.N. 2010. Defining hotspots of characteristic species for multiple taxonomic groups in the Netherlands. Biodiversity and Conservation 19(9): 2517-2536.

Schouten, M.A.; Verweij, P.A.; Barendregt, A.; Kleukers, R.M.J.C.; Kalkman, V.J.; Ruiter, P.C. de 2009. Determinants of species richness patterns in the Netherlands across multiple taxonomic groups. Biodiversity and Conservation 18(1): 203-217.

Sparreboom, M. (ed.) 1981. De amphibeën en reptielen van Nederland, België en Luxemburg. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam. 284 pp.

Struijk, R.P.J.H.; Jansen, S.; Veer, O.D. van de 2014. Herpetoduct Elspeetsche Heide: the new standard for herpetofauna. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 21(2): 207-218.

Stumpel, A. 1992. Reptile management problems in Netherlands heathlands. pp. 25-34. In: Korsos, Z. & Kiss, I. (eds.). Proceedings of the 6th Ordinary General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica, 19-23 August 1991, Budapest, Hungary. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. 531 pp.

Stumpel, A. 1997. Amphibians and reptiles in agricultural and urban landscapes in the Netherlands; design of and provision for sub-habitats and corridors. English Nature Science 30: 53-64.

Stumpel, A.H.P. 2000. Herpetological conservation in the Netherlands. pp. 665-670. In: Giacoma, C. (ed.). Atti I Congresso Nazionale della Societas Herpetologica Italica (Torino, 2-6 Ottobre 1996). [Proceedings of the first National Congress of the Societas Herpetologica Italica (Turin, 2-6 October 1996)]. Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino. 821 pp.

Stumpel, A.H.P. 2004. Reptiles and amphibians as targets for nature management. Alterra Scientific Contributions 13: 1-210.

Wergroep, M. 1992. Restoration of herpetofauna habitat in a terrain owned by the Limburg Water Company. Waarnemingen van Amfibieen en Reptielen in Nederland 1991: 67-71.

Zuiderwijk, A. 1989. Amphibian and reptile tunnels in the Netherlands. pp. 67-74. In: Langton, T.E.S. (ed.). Amphibians and roads. Proceedings of the Toad Tunnel Conference, Rendsburg, Federal Republic of Germany, 7-8 January 1989. ACO Polymer Products Ltd, Shefford, England. 202 pp.

Zuiderwijk, A.; Groenveld, A.; Smit, G. 1999. Monitoring of reptiles in the Netherlands. pp. 455-462. In: Miaud, C. & Guyetant, R. (eds.). Current studies in herpetology: proceedings of the 9th Ordinardy General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica 25-29 August 1998, Le Bourget du Lac, France. Societas Europaea Herpetologica, Le Bourget du Lac,