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Taxonomy of the genus Karusasaurus Biodiversity of the family Cordylidae

Bibliography of the genus
Karusasaurus (Karoo Girdled Lizards)

(Reptilia: Sauria: Cordylidae)

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Karusasaurus in general

Stanley, E.L.; Bauer, A.M.; Jackman, T.R.; Branch, W.R.; Mouton, R. le F.N. 2011. Between a rock and a hard polytomy: rapid radiation in the rupicolous girdled lizard (Squamata: Cordylidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 58(1): 53-70.

Karusasaurus jordani

Heaton, J.S.; DeBoer, J.C. 2018. Natural history notes: Karusasaurus jordani (Northern Karusa Lizard). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 49(2): 330-331.

Heaton, J.S.; DeBoer, J.C. 2018. Natural history notes: Karusasaurus jordani (Northern Karusa Lizard). Scale counts. Herpetological Review 49(2): 329-330.

Heaton, J.S.; Nakanwa, J.; DeBoer, J.C. 2018. Natural history notes: Karusasaurus jordani (Northern Karusa Lizard). Diet. Herpetological Review 49(2): 329.

Hoesch, W. 1961. Südwestafrikanische Echsen in Freiheit und in Gefangenschaft. 1. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 14: 278-280.

Karusasaurus polyzonus

Barts, M.; Branch, W.R. 2012. Das Porträt - der Kurzbericht zum Titelbild. Karusasaurus polyzonus (Smith). Sauria (Berlin) 34(3): 2.

Bates, M.F. 2010. Natural history notes: Psammophis notostictus Peters, 1867. Karoo Sand Snake. Diet. African Herp News 52: 11-13.

Broeckhoven, C.; Diedericks, G.; Mouton, P. le F.N. 2015. What doesn't kill you might make you stronger: functional basis for variation in body armour. Journal of Animal Ecology 84(5): 1213-1221.

Broeckhoven, C.; Mouton, P. le F.N. 2013. Influence of diet on prehension mode in cordylid lizards: a morphological and kinematic analysis. Journal of Zoology (London) 291(4): 286-295.

Broeckhoven, C.; Mouton, P. le F.N. 2014. Under pressure: morphological and ecological correlates of bite force in the rock-dwelling lizards Ouroborus cataphractus and Karusasaurus polyzonus (Squamata: Cordylidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 111(4): 823-833.

Broeckhoven, C.; Mouton, P. le F.N. 2015. Hit or miss: functional mechanisms underlying prey capture efficiency in three cordylid lizards. Journal of Arid Environments 120: 72-74.

Bustard, R. 1957. Observations on zonures and geckos in captivity. British Journal of Herpetology 2: 71-75.

Cooper, W.E.; Whiting, M.J.; Wyk, J.H. van 1997. Foraging modes of cordyliform lizards. South African Journal of Zoology 32(1): 9-13.

Cordes, I.G.; Mouton, P. le F.N. 1995. The cryptic significance of melanism in cordylid lizards: a case study of Cordylus niger and C. polyzonus. Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa 44(1): 16-21.

Cordes, I.G.; Mouton, P. le F.N. 1996. The conservation status of the Saldanha-Langebaan lizard fauna. Koedoe 39(1): 71-83.

Elzen, P. van den 1980. Cordylus polyzonus polyzonus Smith. Revue Francaise d'Aquariologie Herpetologie 7(3)(Suppl.): 2pp.

Engelbrecht, H.M.; Mouton, R. le F.N.; Daniels, S.R. 2011. Are melanistic population of the Karoo girdled lizard, Karusasaurus polyzonus, relics or ecotypes? A molecular investigation. African Zoology 46(1): 146-155.

Flemming, A.F. 1989. The reproductive cycle of the lizard Cordylus polyzonus with reference to the evolution of viviparity in the Sauria. Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa 36(1): 77.

Flemming, A.F.; Wyk, J.H. van 1992. The female reproductive cycle of the lizard Cordylus p. polyzonus (Sauria: Cordylidae) in the southwestern Cape Province, South Africa. Journal of Herpetology 26(2): 121-127.

Mouton, R. le F.N.; Fourie, D.; Flemming, A.F. 2000. Oxygen consumption in two cordylid lizards, Cordylus cataphractus and Cordylus polyzonus. Amphibia-Reptilia 21(4): 502-507.

Mouton, R. le F.N.; Nieuwoudt, C.J.; Badenhorst, N.C.; Flemming, A.F. 2002. Melanistic Cordylus polyzonus (Sauria: Cordylidae) populations in the Western Cape, South Africa: Relics or ecotypes? Journal of Herpetology 36(3): 526-531.

Trullas, S.C.; Terblanche, J.S.; Wyk, J.H. van; Spotila, J.R. 2007. Low repeatability of preferred body temperature in four species of cordylid lizards: Temporal variation and implications for adaptive significance. Evolutionary Ecology 21(1): 63-79.

Wyk, J.H. van 1989. The female reproductive cycle of the lizard, Cordylus polyzonus polyzonus (Sauria: Cordylidae) in the Orange Free State. South African Journal of Zoology 24(4): 263-269.