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Taxonomy of the genus Scaphiophis Biodiversity of the family Colubridae

Bibliography of the genus
Scaphiophis (African Hook-nosed Snakes)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Colubridae)

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Scaphiophis in general

Broadley, D.G. 1994. A revision of the African genus Scaphiophis Peters (Serpentes: Colubridae). Herpetological Journal 4(1): 1-10.

Hubbs, C.L. 1932. The use of the generic name Ophis for an eel, a snake and a mollusc. Copeia 1932: 26-27.

Peters, W.C.H. 1870. Über neue Amphibien (Hemidactylus, urosaura, Tropidolepisma, Geophis, Uriechis, Scaphiophis, Hoplocephalus, Rana, Entomoglossus, Cystignathus, Hylodes, Arthroleptis, Phyllobates, Cophomantis) des Königlich zoologischen Museums. Monatsberichte der Königlich Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1870(August): 641-652.

Scaphiophis albopunctatus

Essex, R. 1928. A note on three burrowing reptiles. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Ser. 10) 1: 268-270.