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North America

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Bibliography of the genus
Sonora (North American Ground, Sand, and Shovel-nosed Snakes)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Colubridae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Sonora in general
Banta, B.H.; Leviton, A.E. 1963. Remarks on the colubrid genus Chilomeniscus (Serpentes: Colubridae). Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Ser. 4) 31: 309-327.
Cox, C.L. 2012. Phylogentic systematics, population genetics, and the evolution of colour pattern, polymorphism and coralsnake mimicry in the snake genus Sonora. Thesis, University of Texas at Arlington. 145 pp.
Cox, C.L.; Davis Rabosky, A.R.; Holmes, I.A.; Reyes-Velasco, J.; Roelke, C.E.; Smith, E.N.; Flores-Villela, O.; McGuire, J.A.; Campbell, J.A. 2018. Synopsis and taxonomic revision of three genera in the snake tribe Sonorini. Journal of Natural History 52(13-26): 945-988.
Cox, C.L.; Davis-Rabosky, A.R.; Reyes-Velasco, J.; Ponce-Campos, P.; Smith, E.N.; Flores-Villela, O.A.; Campbell, J.A. 2012. Molecular systematics of the genus Sonora (Squamata: Colubridae) in central and western Mexico. Systematics and Biodiversity 10(1): 93-108.
Cross, J.K. 1979. Multivariate and univariate character geography in Chionactis (Reptilia: Serpentes). Dissertation Abstracts International (B) 40(2): 538.
Dunn, E.R. 1928. New Central American snakes in the American Museum of Natural History. American Museum Novitates 314: 1-4.
Frost, D. 1983. Relationships of the Baja California Ground Snakes, genus Sonora. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 86(1): 31-37.
Grismer, L.L.; Wong, H.; Galina-Tessaro, P. 2002. Geographic variation and taxonomy of the sand snakes, Chilomeniscus (Squamata: Colubridae). Herpetologica 58(1): 18-31.
Klauber, L.M. 1951. The shovel-nosed snake, Chionactis with descriptions of two new subspecies. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 11(9): 141-204.
Mahrdt, C.R.; Beaman, K.R.; Rosen, P.C.; Holm, P.A. 2001. Chionactis. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 730: 730.1-730.6.
Mattison, C. 1989. Notes on shovel-nosed snakes and sand-snakes, Chionactis and Chilomeniscus. British Herpetological Society Bulletin 28: 25-30.
Ott, M. 2002. Schaufelnasennattern. Kleinoder für das "Schreibtischterrarium". Aquarium (Bornheim) 397: 69-71.
Ott, M. 2004. Zwergnattern. Kleinode für das "Schreibtischterrarium" (2). Aquarium (Bornheim) 425: 73-75.
Stickel, W.H. 1938. The snakes of the genus Sonora in the United States and Lower California. Copeia 1938: 182-190.
Stickel, W.H. 1941. The subspecies of the spade-nosed snake, Sonora occipitalis. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences 6(7): 135-140.
Stickel, W.H. 1943. The Mexican snakes of the genera Sonora and Chionactis with notes on the status of other colubrid genera. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 56: 109-128.
Switak, K.H. 1978. Leben in der Wüste Chilomeniscus und Chionactis die Nattern. Aquarium (Minden) 12(110): 355-359.
Switak, K.H. 1986. Nattern, die im Sand schwimmen. Lebensraum, Verhalten und Pflege von Sand- und Schaufelnasennattern. Aquarien Magazin 20(9): 388-391.
Switak, K.H. 1993. Nattern, die im Sand schwimmen. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 46(12): 778-781.
Wake, D.B. 1966. The colubrid snake genus Chionactis in Baja California, Mexico. Copeia 1966: 364.
Sonora aemula
Devender, T.R. van; Hernández-Jiménez, R.; Silva-Kurumiya, H. 2014. Geographic distribution: Sonora aemula (File-tailed Ground Snake). Herpetological Review 45(1): 96-97.
Devender, T.R. van; Holm, P. 2014. Geographic distribution: Sonora aemula (File-tailed Ground Snake). Herpetological Review 45(1): 96.
Goldberg, S.R. 2003. Natural history notes: Sonora aemula (File-tailed Ground Snake). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 34(1): 73-74.
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 2004. Variation in Procinura aemula, the file-tailed Groundsnake of Mexico. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 40(2): 61-69.
Nevares, M.; Parra-Salazar, I.E. 1990. Geographic distribution: Sonora aemula (Filetail Ground Snake). Mexico: Sonora. Herpetological Review 21(4): 97.
Nickerson, M.A.; Heringhi, H.L. 1966. Three noteworthy colubrids from southern Sonora, Mexico. Great Basin Naturalist 26: 136-140.
Smith, G.R.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Dibble, C.J.; Iverson, J.P. 2008. Natural history of Procinura aemula (Serpentes: Colubridae) from Chinipas, Chihuahua, Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist 53(2): 261-264.
Smith, H.M.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D. 2006. Procinura aemula. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 820: 1-4.
Webb, R.G. 1961. Notes on some amphibians and reptiles from northern Mexico. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 63: 289-298.
Zweifel, R.G.; Norris, K.S. 1955. Contribution to the herpetology of Sonora, Mexico: descriptions of new subspecies of snakes (Micruroides euryxanthus and Lampropeltis getulus) and miscellaneous collecting notes. American Midland Naturalist 54: 230-249.
Sonora annulata
Barts, M. 2009. Chionactis occipitalis annulata (Baird). Sauria (Berlin) 31(4): 2.
Cross, J.K. 1970. The shovel-nosed snake (Chionactis occipitalis) in Baja California. Herpetologica 26: 134-140.
Funk, R.S. 1967. A new colubrid snake of the genus Chionactis from Arizona. Southwestern Naturalist 12: 180-188.
Glass, J.K. 1972. Feeding behavior of the western shovel-nosed snake, Chionactis occipitalis klauberi, with special reference to scorpions. Southwestern Naturalist 16(3-4): 445-447.
Grismer, L.L. 1989. Geographic distribution: Chionactis occipitalis annulata (Colorado Desert Shovelnose Snake). Herpetological Review 20(1): 13.
Hensley, M.M. 1950. Results of a herpetological reconnaissance in extreme southwestern Arizona and adjacent Sonora, with a description of a new subspecies of the Sonoran whipsnake, Masticophis bilineatus. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 53: 270-288.
Mahrdt, C.R.; Banta, B.H. 1996. Natural history notes: Chionactis occipitalis annulata (Colorado Desert Shovelnose Snake). Predation and diurnal activity. Herpetological Review 27(2): 81.
Rorabaugh, J.C. 2002. Diurnal activity and a minimum population density estimate of the CoLorado Desert shovel-nosed snake, (Chionactis occipitalis annulata). Sonoran Herpetologist 15(4): 42-43.
Shaw, C.E. 1953. A hibernating Chionactis occipitalis annulatus. Herpetologica 9: 72.
Smith, P.W.; Hensley, M.M. 1959. Notes on a small collection of amphibians and reptiles from the vicinity of the Pinacate lava cap in north-western Sonora, Mexico. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 61: 64-76.
Wood, D.A.; Meik, J.M.; Holycross, A.T.; Fisher, R.N.; Vandergast, A.G. 2008. Molecular and phenotypic diversity in Chionactis occipitalis (western shovel-nosed snake), with emphasis on the status of C. o. klauberi (Tucson shovel-nosed snake). Conservation Genetics 9(6): 1489-1507.
Sonora cincta
Boundy, J.; Balgooyen, T.G. 1988. Record lengths for some amphibians and reptiles from the western United States. Herpetological Review 19(2): 26-27.
Enderson, E.F.; Turner, D. 2000. Notes on a swimming banded sand snake (Chilomeniscus cinctus). Sonoran Herpetologist 13(10): 115.
Funk, R.S. 1974. Geographic distribution: Chilomenicus cinctus. Mexico: Sonora. Herpetological Review 5(1): 21.
Goldberg, S.R. 1995. Reproduction in the Banded Sand Snake, Chilomeniscus cinctus (Colubridae), from Arizona. Great Basin Naturalist 55(4): 372-373.
Grismer, L.L. 1989. Geographic distribution: Chilomeniscus cinctus (Banded Sand Snake). Herpetological Review 20(3): 75.
Hensley, M.M. 1950. Results of a herpetological reconnaissance in extreme southwestern Arizona and adjacent Sonora, with a description of a new subspecies of the Sonoran whipsnake, Masticophis bilineatus. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 53: 270-288.
Swann, D.E.; Zylstra, E.R. 2002. Banded sand snakes in rocky uplands. Sonoran Herpetologist 15(11): 127.
Switak, K.H. 1976. Sand swimmer. Pacific Discovery 29(3): 10-11.
Vorhies, C.T. 1926. Notes on some uncommon snakes of southern Arizona. Copeia 1926(157): 158-160.
Wong, H. 1997. Comments on the snake records of Chilomeniscus cinctus, Crotalus exsul, and C. mitchellii from Islas Magdalena and Santa Margarita, Baja California, Mexico. Herpetological Review 28(4): 188-189.
Wong, H. 1997. Geographic distribution: Chilomeniscus cinctus (Banded Sand Snake). Herpetological Review 28(1): 51.
Sonora episcopa
Carpenter, C.C. 1958. Reproduction, young, eggs and food of Oklahoma snakes. Herpetologica 14: 113-115.
Collins, J.T. 2002. New records of amphibians, turtles, and reptiles in Kansas for 2001. Journal of Kansas Herpetology 1: 10-11.
Dowling, H.G. 1959. The groundsnake, Sonora episcopa, in Arkansas. Southwestern Naturalist 3 [1958]: 231-232.
Frost, D.; Devender, T.R. van 1979. The relationship of the groundsnakes Sonora semiannulata and S. episcopa (Serpentes: Colubridae). Occasional Papers Museum of Zoology Louisiana State University 52: 1-9.
Kassing, E.F. 1961. A life history study of the Great Plains ground snake, Sonora episcopa episcopa (Kennicott). Texas Journal of Science 13: 185-203.
Kroll, J.C. 1971. Combat behavior in male great plains ground snakes (Sonora episcopa episcopa). Texas Journal of Science 23(2): 300.
Savitzky, A.H.; Collins, J.T. 1971. The ground snake Sonora episcopa episcopa in Coahuila, Mexico. Journal of Herpetology 5: 87-88.
Sonora fasciata
Hoard, R.S. 1939. A new subspecies of snake of the genus Chilomeniscus. Journal Ent. Zool. 31: 45-46.
Sonora michoacanensis
Echternacht, A.C. 1973. The color pattern of Sonora michoacanensis (Duges) (Serpentes, Colubridae) and its bearing on the origin of the species. Breviora 410: 1-18.
Franco, R.C. 1987. New records of reptiles from the Mexican state of Morelos. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 22(4): 69-70.
Lawson, R.; Vaeth, R.H. 1983. Life history notes: Sonora michoacanensis (Ground Snake). Coloration. Herpetological Review 14(1): 20, 22.
Ponce-Campos, P.; Smith, H.M.; Harris, H.S.; Chiszar, D. 2004. A review of the taxonomic status of the members of the Sonora michoacanensis group (Serpentes: Colubridae). Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 40(3): 144-150.
Taylor, E.H. 1937. A new snake of the genus Sonora from Mexico, with comments on S. michoacanensis. Herpetologica 1937(1): 69-72.
Sonora mosaueri
Conant, R. 1965. Miscellaneous notes and comments on toads, lizards, and snakes from Mexico. American Museum Novitates 2205: 1-38.
Sonora mutabilis
Frost, D. 1979. Geographic distribution: Sonora michoacanensis mutabilis (Mexican Ground Snake). Mexico: Sinaloa. Herpetological Review 10(2): 60.
Ponce-Campos, P.; Smith, H.M.; Harris, H.S.; Chiszar, D. 2004. A review of the taxonomic status of the members of the Sonora michoacanensis group (Serpentes: Colubridae). Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 40(3): 144-150.
Sonora occipitalis
Bealor, M.T.; O'Neil Krekorian, C. 2002. Chemosensory identification of lizard-eating snakes in the desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis (Squamata: Iguanidae). Journal of Herpetology 36(1): 9-15.
Brattstrom, B.H. 1952. Diurnal activities of a nocturnal animal. Herpetologica 8(3): 61-63.
Dial, B.E.; Weldon, P.J.; Curtis, B. 1989. Chemosensory identification of snake predators (Phyllorhynchus decurtatus) by banded geckos (Coleonyx variegatus). Journal of Herpetology 23(3): 224-229.
Elvin, D.W. 1963. Variation and distribution of the shovel-nosed snakes (Chionactis occipitalis) in the northern Mojave Desert, California and Nevada. Herpetologica 19: 73-76.
Goldberg, S.R. 1997. Reproduction in the western shovelnose snake, Chionactis occipitalis (Colubridae), from California. Great Basin Naturalist 57(1): 85-87.
Goldberg, S.R.; Rosen, P.C. 1999. Reproduction in the Sonoran shovelnose snake (Chionactis palarostris) and the western shovelnose snake (Chionactis occipitalis) (Serpentes: Colubridae). Texas Journal of Science 51(2): 153-158.
Goode, M.J.; Schuett, G.W. 1994. Male combat in the western shovelnose snake (Chionactis occipitalis). Herpetological Natural History 2(1): 115-117.
Mahrdt, C.R.; Beaman, K.R.; Rosen, P.C.; Holm, P.A. 2001. Chionactis occipitalis. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 731: 731.1-731.12.
Meyers, J.J.; Herrel, A.; Vanhooydonck, B. 2005. Natural history notes: Gambelia wislizenii (Leopard Lizard). Ophiophagy. Herpetological Review 36(4): 448-449.
Mitchell, J.C. 1978. Balling behaviour in Chionactis occipitalis (Reptilia, Serpentes, Colubridae). Journal of Herpetology 12(3): 435-436.
Mosauer, W. 1933. Locomotion and diurnal range of Sonora occipitalis, Crotalus cerastes, and Crotalus atrox as seen from their tracks. Copeia 1933: 14-16.
Norris, K.S.; Kavanau, J.L. 1966. The burrowing of the western shovel-nosed snake, Chionactis occipitalis Hallowell, and the undersand environment. Copeia 1966: 650-664.
Richardson, C.H. 1910. Notes on a little-known species of snake, Chionactis occipitalis. Science (New York) 32: 383-384.
Sharpe, S.S.; Köhler, S.A.; Kuckuk, R.M.; Serrano, M.; Vela, P.A.; Mendelson, J.R.; Goldman, D.I. 2015. Locomotor benefits of being a slender and slick sand swimmer. Journal of Experimental Biology 218(3): 440-450.
Warren, J.W. 1953. Notes on the behavior of Chionactis occipitalis. Herpetologica 9: 121-124.
Whitford, M.; Freymiller, G.; Ryan, J.; Steele, D.; Tapia, C.; Clark, R.W. 2017. Chionactis occipitalis: hypomelanism. Herpetology Notes 10: 411-412.
Wood, D.A.; Fisher, R.N.; Vandergast, A.G. 2014. Fuzzy boundaries: color and gene flow patterns among parapatric lineages of the Western Shovel-nosed Snake and taxonomic implication. PLoS ONE 9(5): e97494: 1-13.
Sonora palarostris
Goldberg, S.R.; Rosen, P.C. 1999. Reproduction in the Sonoran shovelnose snake (Chionactis palarostris) and the western shovelnose snake (Chionactis occipitalis) (Serpentes: Colubridae). Texas Journal of Science 51(2): 153-158.
Hensley, M.M. 1950. Results of a herpetological reconnaissance in extreme southwestern Arizona and adjacent Sonora, with a description of a new subspecies of the Sonoran whipsnake, Masticophis bilineatus. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 53: 270-288.
Klauber, L.M. 1937. A new snake of the genus Sonora from Mexico. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 8: 363-365.
Mahrdt, C.R.; Beaman, K.R.; Rosen, P.C.; Holm, P.A. 2001. Chionactis palarostris. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 732: 732.1-732.5.
Zweifel, R.G.; Norris, K.S. 1955. Contribution to the herpetology of Sonora, Mexico: descriptions of new subspecies of snakes (Micruroides euryxanthus and Lampropeltis getulus) and miscellaneous collecting notes. American Midland Naturalist 54: 230-249.
Sonora semiannulata
Cox, C.L.; Chippindale, P.T. 2014. Patterns of genetic diversity in the polymorphic ground snake (Sonora semiannulata). Genetica (Dordrecht) 142(4): 361-370.
Cox, C.L.; Davis-Rabosky, A.R. 2013. Spatial and temporal drivers of phenotypic diversity in polymorphic snakes. American Naturalist 182(2): E40-E57.
Diller, L.V.; Wallace, R.L. 1980. Additional distribution records and abundance of three species of snakes in southwestern Idaho. Great Basin Naturalist 41(1): 154-157.
Frost, D.; Devender, T.R. van 1979. The relationship of the groundsnakes Sonora semiannulata and S. episcopa (Serpentes: Colubridae). Occasional Papers Museum of Zoology Louisiana State University 52: 1-9.
Frost, D.R. 1983. Sonora semiannulata. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 333: 1-4.
Goldberg, S.R. 2001. Reproduction in the Ground Snake, Sonora semiannulata (Serpentes: Colubridae), from Arizona. Southwestern Naturalist 46(3): 387-391.
Graham, S.P.; Kelehear, C. 2015. Natural history notes: Sonora semiannulata (Western Groundsnake). Predation. Herpetological Review 46(4): 650.
Grismer, L.L. 1989. Geographic distribution: Sonora semiannulata (Ground Snake). Herpetological Review 20(1): 13.
Hamilton, B.; Conrad, P. 2007. Geographic distribution: Sonora semiannulata (Groundsnake). Herpetological Review 38(1): 106.
Hamilton, B.; Conrad, P. 2007. Geographic distribution: Sonora semiannulata (Groundsnake). USA: Nevada: Pershing Co. Herpetological Review 38(2): 222.
Hansen, R.W.; Prins, L. 2007. Geographic distribution: Sonora semiannulata (Western Groundsnake). Herpetological Review 38(4): 491.
Heitz, B.B.; Ellsworth, E.D.; Huron, N.A.; Geheber, A.D.; Siler, C.D. 2015. Geographic distribution: Sonora semiannulata (Western Groundsnake). Herpetological Review 46(4): 577.
Hibbitts, T.J.; Adams, C.S. 2015. Geographic distribution: Sonora semiannulata (Western Groundsnake). Herpetological Review 46(2): 221.
Hillis, D.M. 1977. An incident of death-feigning in Sonora semiannulata blanchardi. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 13(2): 116-117.
Hunt, J.D.; Clause, A.G.; Flaxington, W. 2017. Geographic distribution: Sonora semiannulata (Western Groundsnake). Herpetological Review 48(4): 815.
Hyder, P.W. 1992. Geographic distribution: Sonora semiannulata (Ground Snake). Herpetological Review 23(1): 27.
Johnson, J.D.; Walker-Johnson, G.; Riveroll, H. 2007. Natural history notes: Sonora semiannulata (Ground Snake). Predation. Herpetological Review 38(1): 93-94.
Klauber, L.M. 1943. A new snake of the genus Sonora from Lower California, Mexico. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 10(4): 69-70.
LaDuc, T.J.; Bell, C.J. 2010. Educating students on the importance of spatial and temporal bias in museum collections: an example using Sonora semiannulata from Texas. Herpetological Review 41(3): 292-298.
LaDuc, T.J.; Johnson, J.D. 1994. Geographic distribution: Sonora semiannulata (Ground Snake). USA: Texas: Sherman Co. Herpetological Review 25(4): 168.
Liner, E.A. 1964. Notes on four small herpetological collections from Mexico. I. Introduction, turtles and snakes. Southwestern Naturalist 8: 221-227.
Lovich, J.E.; Drost, C.; Monatesti, A.J.; Casper, D.; Wood, D.A.; Girard, M. 2010. Reptilian prey of the Sonora mud turtle (Kinosternon sonoriense) with comments on saurophagy and ophiophagy in North American turtles. Southwestern Naturalist 55(1): 135-138.
Mata-Silva, V.; Johnson, J.D.; Barragan, G.; Rocha, A.; Lukefahr, W.D.; Couvillon, R.O. 2012. Natural history notes: Sonora semiannulata (Western Groundsnake). Predation. Herpetological Review 43(4): 661-662.
McAllister, C.T. 1984. Geographic distribution: Sonora semiannulata (Ground Snake). Herpetological Review 15(3): 78.
McAllister, C.T.; Trauth, S.E.; McDaniel, V.R.; McAllister, R.B. 1991. Geographic distribution: Sonora semiannulata (Ground Snake). Herpetological Review 22(3): 103.
Mellink, E. 1996. Geographic distribution: Sonora semiannulata (Ground Snake). Herpetological Review 27(2): 89.
Milanovich, J.R.; Anfinson, J.; Bader, T.J.; Baxter, R.J.; Brandebura, S.C.; Deviney, S.A.; Hiler, W.R.; Learned, J.; Matthews, M.W.; McDowell, C.R.; Neal, R.G.; Stephens, N.T.; Stewart, J.P.; 2005. Geographic distribution: Sonora semiannulata (Groundsnake). Herpetological Review 36(3): 340.
Miller, B. 1983. Life history notes: Sonora semiannulata (Groundsnake). Coloration. Herpetological Review 14(4): 121-122.
Mosauer, W. 1938. An addition to the reptile fauna of California. Sonora semiannulata. Copeia 1938: 48.
Persons, T. 1999. Geographic distribution: Sonora semiannulata (Ground Snake). Herpetological Review 30(1): 55.
Rabosky, A.R.D.; Cox, C.L.; Rabosky, D.L. 2016. Unlinked Mendelian inheritance of red and black pigmentation in snakes: implications for Batesian mimicry. Evolution 70(4): 944-953.
Shedd, J.D.; González, G. 2010. Geographic distribution: Sonora semiannulata semiannulata (Variable Groundsnake). Herpetological Review 41(2): 245.
Staedeli, J.H. 1964. Eggs and young of the vermillion-lined ground snake, Sonora semiannulata linearis. Copeia 1964: 581-582.
Stecker, J.K. 1934. Notes on Sonora semiannulata Baird & Girard. Copeia 1984: 186- 187.
Storm, R.M. 1947. Sonora semiannulata semiannulata in Oregon. Copeia 1947: 68.
Tanner, W.W.; Robison, W.G. 1960. New and unusual serpents from Chihuahua, Mexico. Herpetologica 16: 67-70.
Veer, V.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 1997. Natural history notes: Sonora semiannulata (Ground Snake). Antipredation. Herpetological Review 28(2): 91.
Sonora straminea
Brennan, T.C. 2004. Hypsiglena torquata (Nightsnake) diet. Sonoran Herpetologist 17(3): 30.
Goldberg, S.R.; Mahrdt, C.R.; Beaman, K.R. 2014. Natural history notes: Chilomeniscus stramineus (Variable Sandsnake). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 45(1): 141.
Linsdale, J.M. 1936. Variation in the dotted burrowing snake, Chilomeniscus stramineus. Copeia 1936: 232-234.
Mayne, P.J.; Babb, R.D. 2004. Natural history notes: Chilomeniscus stramineus (Variable Sandsnake). Predation. Herpetological Review 35(4): 399.
Peralta-Garcia, A.; Samaniego-Herrera, A.; Valdez-Villavicencio, J.H. 2007. Registros nuevos de reptiles en Islas del noroeste de Mexico. Acta Zoologica Mexicana Nueva Serie 23(1): 179-182.
Powell, R. 2004. Species profile: Banded Sand Snakes (Chilomeniscus stramineus). Iguana (West Hartford) 11(1): 7.
Powers, A.L.; Banta, B.H. 1974. Chilomeniscus stramineus (Cope) recorded from Cerralvo lsland, Gulf of California, Mexico. Journal of Herpetology 8(4): 386-387.
Sonora taylori
Mulaik, S.; Mulaik, D. 1941. Variation in Sonora taylori. Copeia 1941: 263.
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