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Bibliography of the genus
Chamaelinorops (Hispaniolan Anoles)

(Reptilia: Sauria: Anolidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Chamaelinorops in general
Macrini, T.E.; Irschick, D.J.; Losos, J.B. 2003. Ecomorphological differences in toepad characteristics between mainland and island anoles. Journal of Herpetology 37(1): 52-58.
Schmidt, K.P. 1919. Descriptions of new amphibians and reptiles from Santo Domingo and Navassa. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 41: 519-525.
Varona, L.S. 1985. Sistematica de Iguanidae, sensu lato, y de Anolinae en Cuba (Reptilia; Sauria). Doñana Acta Vertebrata 12(1): 21-39.
Chamaelinorops alumina
Hertz, P.E. 1976. Anolis alumina, new species of grass anole from the Barahona Peninsula of Hispaniola. Breviora 437: 1-19.
Chamaelinorops barbouri
Autumn, K.; Losos, J.B. 1997. Notes on jumping ability and thermal biology of the enigmatic anole Chamaelinorops barbouri. Journal of Herpetology 31(3): 442-444.
Case, S.M.; Williams, E.E. 1987. The cybotoid anoles and Chamaelinorops lizards (Reptilia: Iguanidae): evidence of mosaic evolution. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 91(4): 325-341.
Cochran, D.M. 1928. A new species of Chamaelinorops from Haiti. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 41: 45-47.
Fläschendräger, A. 2000. Zur Biologie, Haltung und Nachzucht von Anolis (Synonym: ChamaeliNorops) barbouri (Schmidt, 1919). Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 22(128): 5-10.
Flores, G.; Lenzycki, J.H.; Palumbo, J. 1994. An ecological study of the endemic Hispaniolan anoline lizard, Chamaelinorops barbouri (Lacertilia: Iguanidae). Breviora 499: 1-23.
Howard, A.K.; Forester, J.D.; Ruder, J.M.; Parmerlee, J.S.; Powell, R. 1999. Natural history of a terrestrial Hispaniolan anole: Anolis barbouri. Journal of Herpetology 33(4): 702-706.
Howard, A.K.; Powell, R.; Parmerlee, J.S. 1999. Anolis barbouri. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 692: 1-4.
Jenssen, T.A.; Feely, P.C. 1991. Social behavior of the male anoline lizard Chamaelinorops barbouri, with a comparison to Anolis. Journal of Herpetology 25(4): 454-462.
Schmidt, K.P. 1919. Descriptions of new amphibians and reptiles from Santo Domingo and Navassa. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 41: 519-525.
Schwartz, A.; Incháustegui, S.J. 1980. The endemic Hispaniolan lizard genus Chamaelinorops. Journal of Herpetology 14(1): 51-56.
Chamaelinorops darlingtoni
Cochran, D.M. 1939. Diagnoses of three new lizards and a frog from the Dominican Republic. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 18: 1-3.
Thomas, R.; Hedges, S.B. 1991. Rediscovery and description of the Hispaniolan lizard Anolis darlingtoni (Sauria: Iguanidae). Caribbean Journal of Science 27(1-2): 90-93.
Williams, E.E. 1962. The anoles of the eastern Caribbean (Sauria, Iguanidae). IV. The anoles of the northern Leewards, Anguilla to Monserrat. new data and a new species. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 127: 453-465.
Chamaelinorops fowleri
Schwartz, A. 1973. A new species of montane Anolis (Sauria, Iguanidae) from Hispaniola. Annals of the Carnegie Museum 44(12): 183-195.
Chamaelinorops insolitus
Poe, S. 1998. Skull characters and the cladistic relationships of the Hispaniolan dwarf twig Anolis. Herpetological Monographs 12: 192-236.
Williams, E.E.; Rand, A.S. 1969. Anolis insolitus, a new dwarf anole of zoogeographic importance from the mountains of the Dominican Republic. Brevoria 326: 1-21.
Chamaelinorops koopmani
Rand, A.S. 1961. Notes on Hispaniolan herpetology. 4. Anolis koopmani, new species, from the southwestern peninsula of Haiti. Breviora 137: 1-4.
Chamaelinorops olssoni
Burns, J.K.; Cunningham, C.A.; Dupuis, R.A.; Trask, M.N.; Tulloch, J.S.; Powell, R.; Parmerlee, J.S.J.; Kopecky, K.L.; Jolley, M.L. 1992. Lizards of the Cayos Siete Hermanos, Dominican Republic, Hispaniola. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 27(11): 225-232.
Hertz, P.E. 1979. Comparative thermal biology of sympatric grass anoles (Anolis semilineatus and A. olssoni) in lowland Hispaniola (Reptilia, Lacertilia, Iguanidae). Journal of Herpetology 13(3): 329-333.
Johnson, M.A.; López, M.V.; Whittle, T.K.; Kircher, B.K.; Dill, A.K.; Varghese, D.; Wade, J. 2014. The evolution of copulation frequency and the mechanisms of reproduction in male Anolis lizards. Current Zoology 60(6): 768-777.
Queral, A.; Garcia, R.; Powell, R.; Parmerlee, J.S.; Smith, D.D.; Lathrop, A. 1995. Agonistic responses by a grass anole, Anolis olssoni from the Dominican Republic, to male conspecifics. Amphibia-Reptilia 16(4): 313-321.
Schmidt, K.P. 1919. Descriptions of new amphibians and reptiles from Santo Domingo and Navassa. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 41: 519-525.
Schwartz, A. 1981. Variation in Hispaniolan Anolis olssoni Schmidt (Reptilia: Sauria: Iguanidae). Milwaukee Public Museum Contributions in Biology and Geology 47: 1-21.
Smith, J.W.; Parmerlee, J.S.; Powell, R. 1995. Anolis olssoni. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 611: 1-5.
Smith, J.W.; Powell, R.; Parmerlee, J.S.; Smith, D.D.; Lathrop, A. 1994. Natural history notes on a population of grass anoles, Anolis olssoni (Sauria: Polychrotidae), from the Dominican Republic. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 30(2): 67-75.
Chamaelinorops semilineatus
Fläschendräger, A. 1998. Beobachtungen an drei Grasanolis-Arten im Biotop sowie Bemerkungen zu Haltung und Fortpflanzung im Terrarium. Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 20(113): 19-28.
Hertz, P.E. 1979. Comparative thermal biology of sympatric grass anoles (Anolis semilineatus and A. olssoni) in lowland Hispaniola (Reptilia, Lacertilia, Iguanidae). Journal of Herpetology 13(3): 329-333.
Williams, E.E. 1961. Notes on Hispaniolan herpetology. 3. The evolution and relationships of the Anolis semilineatus group. Breviora 136: 1-8.
Williams, E.E.; Rand, A.S. 1961. Notes on Hispaniolan herpetology, 2. A review of the Anolis semilineatus group with the description of Anolis cochranae, new species. Breviora 135: 1-11.
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