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Bibliography of the genus
Phrynosoma (Horned Lizards)

(Reptilia: Sauria: Phrynosomatidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Phrynosoma in general
Anonymous. 1929. The horned toad in Maryland. Bull. Maryland Acad. Sci. Baltimore 8(4): 6.
Arnold, E.N. 1990. Why do morphological phylogenies vary in quality? An investigation based on the comparative history of lizard clades. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B Biological Sciences 240(1297): 135-172.
Baur, B. 1993. Zur Lebenserwartung von Krotenechsen der Gattung Phrynosoma. Iguana Rundschreiben 6(2)(12): 8-12.
Baur, B. 1997. Krötenechsen. Die Ameisenspezialisten. Reptilia (D) 2(3): 56-59.
Baur, B.; Montanucci, R.R. 1998. Krötenechsen. Lebensweise, Pflege, Zucht. Herpeton, Offenbach. 158 pp.
Baur, B.E. 1986. Longevity of horned lizards of the genus Phrynosoma. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 22(3): 149-151.
Bergmann, P.J.; Berk, C.P. 2012. The evolution of positive allometry of weaponry in Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma). Evolutionary Biology (New York) 39(3): 311-323.
Bryant, H.C. 1911. The horned lizards of California and Nevada of the genera Phrynosoma and Anota. University of California Publications in Zoology 9: 1-84.
Calgua, A. 2000. Bemerkungen zu Lebensweise, Verhalten und Pflege von Krotenechsen. Iguana Rundschreiben 13(1)(23): 19-28.
Carruccio, A. 1910. Su due individui del gen. Phrynosoma Wieg. portati vivi dal Texas. Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 11: 273-278.
Clark, H.O. 2009. Predation and behavioral interactions between Horned Lizards and arid land foxes. Sonoran Herpetologist 22(1): 6-7.
DeVore, M.L. 1985. The horned lizards of New Mexico. Canadian Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Society Bulletin 23(1): 1-4.
Dumas, P.C. 1964. Species-pair allopatry in the genera Rana and Phrynosoma. Ecology 45: 178-181.
Edwards, C.L. 1903. A note on Phrynosoma. Science 2(17): 826-827.
Eisenberg, T. 1999. Bemerkungen zur Ernährung von Krotenechsen (Phrynosoma). Iguana Rundschreiben 12(2)(22): 15-16.
Grant, C. 1952. Probably the first legislation to protect a poisonous animal. Herpetologica 8: 64.
Hay, O.P. 1892. On the Ejection of Blood from the Eyes of Horned Toads. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 15: 375-378.
Heath, J.E. 1962. Temperature-independent morning emergence in lizards of the genus Phrynosoma. Science 138: 891-892.
Heath, J.E. 1964. Head-body temperature differences in horned lizards. Physiological Zoology 37: 273-279.
Heath, J.E. 1965. Temperature regulation and diurnal activity in horned lizards. University of California Publications in Zoology 64: 97-136.
Hodges, W.L. 2004. Evolution of viviparity in Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma): testing the cold-climate hypothesis. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 17(6): 1230-1237.
Hodges, W.L.; Zamudio, K.R. 2004. Horned lizard (Phrynosoma) phylogeny inferred from mitochondrial genes and morphological characters: understanding conflicts using multiple approaches. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 31(3): 961-971.
Höfer, S. 1965. Sind Krötenechsen wirklich so heikel? DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 18: 153-155.
Hoffmann, A. 1954. Über Krötchenechsen (Phrynosomen). DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 7: 331-332.
Howard, C.W. 1974. Comparative reproductive ecology of horned lizards (Genus Phrynosoma) in south-western United States and northern Mexico. Journal Ariz. Acad. Sci. 9(3): 108-116.
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1955. Direction 30. Determination of the gender to be attributed to the names of fifty-seven genera of fishes, cyclostomes, reptiles and amphibia placed on the "Official List of Generic Names in Zoology" in the period up to the end of 1936. Opinions of the International Committee on Zoological Nomenclature 1C: 287-298.
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1959. Opinion 565. Validation under the Plenary Powers of the generic name Phrynosoma Wiegmann, 1828 (Class Reptilia) (Opinion supplementary to Opinion 92). Opinions of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 20(32): 361-376.
Knowlton, G.F. 1954. Horned toads in ant control. Journal of Economic Entomology 31(1): 128.
Knowlton, G.F.; Baldwin, B.A. 1953. Ants in Horned Toad. Herpetologica 9: 70.
Leaché, A.D.; Koo, M.S.; Spencer, C.L.; Papenfuss, T.J.; Fisher, R.N.; McGuire, J.A. 2009. Quantifying ecological, morphological, and genetic variation to delimit species in the Coast Horned Lizard species complex (Phrynosoma). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106(30): 12418-12423.
Leaché, A.D.; Linkem, C.W. 2015. Phylogenomics of Horned Lizards (Genus: Phrynosoma) using targeted sequence capture data. Copeia 103(3): 586-594.
Leaché, A.D.; McGuire, J.A. 2006. Phylogenetic relationships of Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma) based on nuclear and mitochondrial data: Evidence for a misleading mitochondrial gene tree. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 39(3): 628-644.
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2004. Diets of four species of Horned Lizards (genus Phrynosoma) from Mexico. Herpetological Review 35(2): 131-134.
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, H.M.; Chiszar, D. 2001. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma (Horned Lizards). Protection. Herpetological Review 32(1): 41-42.
Lowe, C.H. 1947. Polychromatism in Phrynosoma. Herpetologica 4: 77.
Lowe, C.H.; Woodin, W.H. 1954. Aggressive behavior in Phrynosoma. Herpetologica 10: 48.
Luxbacher, A.M.; Knouft, J.H. 2009. Assessing concurrent patterns of environmental niche and morphological evolution among species of Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22(8): 1669-1678.
Lynn, R.T. 1963. Comparative behavior of the horned lizards, genus Phrynosoma, of the United States. Dissertation Abstracts 24: 446-447.
Lynn, R.T. 1965. A comparative study of display behaviour in Phrynosoma (Iguanidae). Southwestern Naturalist 10: 25-30.
Manaster, J. 1997. Horned lizards. Corrie Herring Hooks Series 34: 1-81.
Manaster, J. 2002. Horned Lizards. Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock, Texas. 84 pp.
Martin del Campo, R. 1934. Adicion a "los camaleones mexicanos". Anales del Instituto de Biologia Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Serie Zoologia 5(4): 327-340.
McCoy, C.J.; Flores-Villela, O.A. 1985. Amphibians and reptiles of the Sesse & Mocino Expedition: a lost chapter in Mexican herpetology. Annals of the Carnegie Museum 54(5): 189-193.
Meyer, D.E. 1966. Drinking habits in the earless lizard, Holbrookia maculata, and in two species of horned lizards (Phrynosoma). Copeia 1966: 126-128.
Meyers, J.J.; Herrel, A.; Nishikawa, K.C. 2006. Morphological correlates of ant eating in Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 89(1): 13-24.
Milne, L.J.; Milne, M.J. 1948. Notes on the behaviour of the Horned toad (Phrynosoma spp.). Anatomical Record 101: 646.
Milne, L.J.; Milne, M.J. 1949. We shadowed the Horned Toad. Natural History (New York) 58(2): 86-94.
Milne, L.J.; Milne, M.J. 1950. Notes on the behaviour of horned toads. American Midland Naturalist 44(3): 720-741.
Montanucci, R.R. 1979. Notes on systematics of horned lizards allied to Phrynosoma orbiculare (Lacertilia: Iguanidae). Herpetologica 35(2): 116-124.
Montanucci, R.R. 1987. A phylogenetic study of the horned lizards, genus Phrynosoma, based on skeletal and external morphology. Contributions in Science (Los Angeles) 390: 1-36.
Montanucci, R.R. 1989. Maintenance and propagation of horned lizards (Phrynosoma) in captivity. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 24(12): 229-238.
Montanucci, R.R. 1989. The relationship of morphology to diet in the horned lizard genus Phrynosoma. Herpetologica 45(2): 208-216.
Montanucci, R.R. 1996. Morphological variation in the gular fold in the horned lizard genus, Phrynosoma (Iguania: Phrynososmatidae). Herpetologica 52(1): 46-55.
Montanucci, R.R. 2015. A taxonomic revision of the Phrynosoma douglasii species complex (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae). Zootaxa 4015(1): 1–177.
Munger, J.C. 1983. Strategies of predators and their prey: optimal foraging and home range behavior of horned lizards (Phrynosoma spp.) and response by harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex desertorum). Dissertation Abstracts International B Sciences and Engineering 43(11): 3471.
Nieto-Montes de Oca, A.; Arenas-Moreno, D.M.; Beltrán-Sánchez, E.; Leaché, A.D. 2014. A new species of horned lizard (genus Phrynosoma) from Guerrero, Mexico, with an updated multilocus phylogeny. Herpetologica 70(2): 241-257.
Parker, G.H. 1938. The colour changes in lizards, particularly in Phrynosoma. Journal of Experimental Biology 15(1): 48-73.
Peters, W.C.H. 1874. Über neue Saurier (Spæriodactylus, Anolis, Phrynosoma, Tropidolepisma, Lygosoma, Ophioscincus) aus Centralamerica, Mexico und Australien. Monatsberichte der Königlich Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1873(November): 738-747.
Pianka, E.R.; Parker, W.S. 1975. Ecology of horned lizards. A review with special reference to Phrynosoma platyrhinos. Copeia 1975(1): 141-162.
Presch, W. 1969. Evolutionary osteology and relationships of the horned lizard genus Phrynosoma (family Iguanidae). Copeia 1969: 250-275.
Reeder, T.W.; Montanucci, R.R. 2001. Phylogenetic analysis of the Horned Lizards (Phrynosomatidae: Phrynosoma): Evidence from mitochondrial DNA and morphology. Copeia 2001(2): 309-323.
Reeve, W.L. 1952. Taxonomy and distribution of the horned lizard genus Phrynosoma. University of Kansas Science Bulletin 34(2): 817-960.
Sherbrooke, W.C. 1987. Defensive head posture in horned lizards (Phrynosoma: Sauria: Iguanidae). Southwestern Naturalist 32(4): 512-515.
Sherbrooke, W.C. 1995. Collecting and feeding harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex spp.) to captive horned lizards (Phrynosoma spp.). Herpetological Review 26(1): 25-26.
Sherbrooke, W.C. 2003. Introduction to Horned Lizards of North America. California Natural History Guides 64: 1-178.
Sherbrooke, W.C. 2017. Antipredator nest guarding by female Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma): Iguanian parental care. Herpetologica 73(4): 331–337.
Sherbrooke, W.C.; Beltran Sanchez, E.; Mendoza-Quijano, F.; Baur, B.; Middendorf, G.A. 2004. Is there an antipredator blood-squirting defense in the bull horned lizard, Phrynosoma taurus? Herpetological Review 35(4): 345-347.
Sherbrooke, W.C.; Middendorf, G.A. 2001. Blood-squirting variability in Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma). Copeia 2001(4): 1114-1122.
Sherbrooke, W.C.; Nagle, R.B. 1996. Phrynosoma intraepidermal receptor: a dorsal intraepidermal mechanoreceptor in horned lizards (Phrynosoma; Phrynosomatidae; Reptilia). Journal of Morphology 228(2): 145-154.
Sherbrooke, W.C.; Schwenk, K. 2008. Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma) incapacitate dangerous ant prey with mucus. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A-Ecological Genetics and Physiology 309A(8): 447-459.
Smith, H.M. 1934. Notes on some lizards of the genus Phrynosoma from Mexico. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 87: 287-292.
Smith, H.M.; Flores-Villela, O. 1994. Noteworthy lizards of the genera Phrynosoma and Sceloporus in the Museo de Zoologia "Alfonso L. Herrera". Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 30(3): 114-119.
Smith, H.M.; Reeve, W. 1951. The generic name of the horned lizards. Herpetologica 7: 53-55.
Stiles, C.W. 1924. Nomina conservanda. Science (New York) 60: 384-385.
Switak, K.H. 1979. Leben in der Wüste. Krötenechsen der Gattung Phrynosoma Wiegmann, 1828. 1. Teil: Beobachtungen in freier Wildbahn. Aquarium (Bornheim) 13(124): 470-475.
Tanner, V.M. 1942. Notes on the birth and growth of horned lizards. Great Basin Naturalist 3(2): 60.
Vesely, M. 1998. Zur Biologie der Krotenechsen mit Anmerkungen zur Pflege und Zucht von Phrynosoma asio and P. orbiculare. Iguana Rundschreiben 11(2)(20): 11-15.
Vitt, L.J. 1977. Observations on clutch and egg size and evidence for multiple clutches in some lizards of southwestern United States. Herpetologica 33(3): 333-338.
Walls, J.G. 1978. Horned toads. Tropical Fish Hobbyist 26(12): 54-59.
Wiernasz, D.C.; Cole, B.A.; Cole, B.J. 2014. Defending the nest: variation in the alarm aggression response and nest mound damage in the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex occidentalis. Insectes Sociaux 61(3): 273-279.
Williams, K.L. 1959. Nocturnal activity of some species of horned lizards, genus Phrynosoma. Herpetologica 15: 43.
Winton, W.M. 1914. A note on distinction of the sexes in Phrynosoma. Science (New York) N.S. 40: 311-312.
Winton, W.M. 1914. An examination of blood-ejecting horned lizards. Science (New York) N.S. 40: 784-785.
Zamudio, K.R. 1998. The evolution of female-biased sexual size dimorphism: a population level comparative study in horned lizards (Phrynosoma). Evolution 52(6): 1821-1833.
Phrynosoma asio
Ballinger, R.E.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R. 1998. Thermal tolerance of five species of lizard from Mexico and the southwestern USA. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 34(1): 1-14.
Baur, B. 1974. Colima-Krötenechse (Phrynosoma asio Cope 1864) - der mexikanische Riese. Aquarium Aqua Terra 8(58): 164-168.
Baur, B. 1979. Pflege und 'Zucht' der Riesenkrötenechse, Phrynosoma asio (Reptilia: Sauria: Iguanidae). Salamandra 15(1): 1-12.
Davis, W.B.; Dixon, J.R. 1961. Reptiles (exclusive of snakes) of the Chilpancingo region, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 74: 37-56.
García Pareja, M.; Beltrán-Sánchez, E.; Sherbrooke, W.C. 2016. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma asio (Giant Horned Lizard). Natural longevity (age). Herpetological Review 47(1): 138-139.
Hodges, W.L. 2004. Defensive blood squirting in Phrynosoma ditmarsi and a high rate of human-induced blood squirting in Phrynosoma asio. Southwestern Naturalist 49(2): 267-270.
Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2004. Diets of four species of Horned Lizards (genus Phrynosoma) from Mexico. Herpetological Review 35(2): 131-134.
Maceda-Cruz, R.J.; Eliosa Leon, H.; Yanes-Gomez, G.; Nieto-Montes de Oca, A. 2004. Geographic distribution: Phrynosoma asio (Giant Horned Lizard). Herpetological Review 35(3): 289.
Pareja, M.G.; Beltrán-Sánchez, E.; Sherbrooke, W.C. 2017. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma asio (Giant Horned Lizard). Natural longevity. Herpetological Review 48(2): 439-440.
Ramirez-Bautista, A.; Flores-Villela, O.; Casas-Andreu, G. 1982. New herpetological state records for Mexico. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 18(3): 167-169.
Raya-García, E. 2014. Phrynosoma asio (Giant Horned Lizard). Captive diet. Herpetological Review 45(4): 635.
Raya-García, E. 2014. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma asio (Giant Horned Lizard). Crepuscular and nocturnal activity. Herpetological Review 45(2): 330.
Raya-García, E. 2014. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma asio (Giant Horned Lizard). Predation. Herpetological Review 45(1): 131-132.
Raya-García, E.; Martínez García, L.F. 2013. Herpetoculture notes: Phrynosoma asio (Giant Horned Lizard). Drinking behavior. Herpetological Review 44(3): 453.
Raya-García, E.; Martínez-García, L.F. 2013. Herpetoculture notes: Phrynosoma asio (Giant Horned Lizard). Drinking behavior. Herpetological Review 44(3): 453.
Recchio, I.; Roberton-Billet, M.; Rodríguez, C.; Haigwood, J. 2014. Captive husbandry and reproduction of Phrynosoma asio (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae) at the Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens. Herpetological Review 45(3): 450-454.
Recchio, I.M.; Hogue, J.N.; Lazcano, D. 2009. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma asio (Giant Horned Lizard). Diet. Herpetological Review 40(3): 347-348.
Sherbrooke, W.C.; Beltran Sanchez, E. 2005. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma asio (Giant Horned Lizard). Copulation position. Herpetological Review 36(1): 64-65.
Vesely, M. 1998. Zur Biologie der Krotenechsen mit Anmerkungen zur Pflege und Zucht von Phrynosoma asio and P. orbiculare. Iguana Rundschreiben 11(2)(20): 11-15.
Phrynosoma bauri
Montanucci, R.R. 2015. A taxonomic revision of the Phrynosoma douglasii species complex (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae). Zootaxa 4015(1): 1–177.
Phrynosoma blainvillii
Banta, B.H. 1962. A notable range extension for the California horned lizard. Wasmann Journal of Biology 20: 137-138.
Bezy, R.L. 1996. The San Diego Horned Lizard. Terra (Los Angeles) 33(2): 4-5.
Denburgh, J. van 1894. Descriptions of three new lizards from California and Lower California, with a note on Phrynosoma blainvillii. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 2(4): 296-301.
Gerson, M.M. 2011. Population status and habitat affinities of the Blainville's Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma blainvillii) at a site in the northern San Joaquin Valley, California, USA. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 6(2): 228-236.
Hager, S.B. 1995. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillii (San Diego Horned Lizard). Growth. Herpetological Review 26(3): 145-146.
Hager, S.B. 1996. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillii (San Diego Horned Lizard). Growth. Herpetological Review 27(2): 80.
Hager, S.B.; Brattstrom, B.H. 1997. Surface activity of the San Diego Horned Lizard, Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillii. Southwestern Naturalist 42(3): 339-344.
Jennings, M.R. 1987. Impact of the curio trade for San Diego horned lizards (Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillii) in the Los Angeles Basin, California: 1885-1930. Journal of Herpetology 21(4): 356-358.
Leatherman, B.M. 1996. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillii (San Diego Horned Lizard). Conservation. Herpetological Review 27(2): 80.
Montanucci, R.R. 2004. Geographic variation in Phrynosoma coronatum (Lacertilia, Phrynosomatidae): Further evidence for a peninsular archipelago. Herpetologica 60(1): 117-139.
Pequegnat, W.E. 1951. The biota of the Santa Ana Mountains. Journal Ent. Zool. 42: 1-84.
Shaw, C.E. 1952. Notes on the eggs and young of some United States and Mexican lizards. 1. Herpetologica 8(3): 71-79.
Shaw, C.E. 1963. An albino San Diego horned lizard (Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillei). Copeia 1963: 154.
Shedd, J.D.; Bogiatto, R.J.; Kirn, S.A. 2011. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma blainvillii (Coast Horned Lizard). Commensalism. Herpetological Review 42(1): 94-95.
Suarez, A.V.; Richmond, J.Q.; Case, T.J. 2000. Prey selection in Horned Lizards following the invasion of Argentine ants in southern California. Ecological Applications 10(3): 711-725.
Tinkham, E.R. 1951. On the recognition of two lower California horned lizards. Herpetologica 7: 169-172.
Phrynosoma braconnieri
Arias-Balderas, S.F.; Hernández-Ríos, A.; Correa-Sánchez, F. 2012. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma braconnieri (Short-tailed Horned Lizard). Predation. Herpetological Review 43(2): 335-336.
Jiménez-Arcos, V.H.; Centenero-Alcalá, E.; Pérez-Ramos, E.; Cruz-Padilla, S.S. 2014. Geographic distribution: Phrynosoma braconnieri (Short-tailed Horned Lizard). Herpetological Review 45(3): 463.
Jiménez-Arcos, V.H.; Centenero-Alcalá, E.; Pérez-Ramos, E.; Cruz-Padilla, S.S. 2014. Geographic distribution: Phrynosoma braconnierii (Short-tailed Horned Lizard). Herpetological Review 45(2): 283.
Montanucci, R.R. 1979. Notes on systematics of horned lizards allied to Phrynosoma orbiculare (Lacertilia: Iguanidae). Herpetologica 35(2): 116-124.
Pavón-Vázquez, C.J.; Arvizu-Meza, M. 2016. Nature notes: Phrynosoma braconnieri Duméril & Bocourt, 1870. Behavior. Mesoamerican Herpetology 3(3): 727.
Sherbrooke, W.C.; Mendoza-Quijano, F. 2005. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma braconnieri (Short-tail Horned Lizard). Defensive behavior. Herpetological Review 36(1): 65-66.
Sherbrooke, W.C.; Rodríguez, C. 2010. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma braconnieri (Short-tailed Horned Lizard). Defensive blood-squirting behavior. Herpetological Review 41(2): 226-227.
Woolrich-Piña, G.A.; Smith, G.R.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A. 2013. Body temperatures of three species of Phrynosoma from Puebla, Mexico. Herpetology Notes 5: 361-364.
Zamudio, K.R.; Parra Olea, G. 2000. Reproductive mode and female reproductive cycle of two endemic Mexican Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma taurus and Phrynosoma braconnieri). Copeia 2000(1): 222-229.
Phrynosoma brevirostris
Andriash, B. 1979. A true tale about horned lizards. North Dakota Outdoors 42(4): 8-9.
Burt, C.E. 1927. On the type locality of the horned lizard Phrynosoma brevirostre Girard. Copeia 1927(163): 53-54.
Corn, P.S.; Gingerich, L.J. 1987. Geographic distribution: Phrynosoma douglassii brevirostre (Eastern Short-horned Lizard). Herpetological Review 18(1): 20.
Johnson, K.H. 2007. Geographic distribution: Phrynosoma douglasii (Pygmy Short-horned Lizard). USA: Wyoming. Herpetological Review 38(2): 219. [as douglasii]
Kuntz, B. 1975. Dryland denizen. Wyoming Wildlife 39(12): 17.
Laird, M.; Leech, R. 1980. Observations of the short-horned lizard in southeastern Alberta. Blue Jay 38(4): 214-218.
Linton, L.R.; Edgington, E.S.; Davies, R.W. 1989. A view of niche overlap amenable to statistical analysis. Canadian Journal of Zoology 67(1): 55-60.
Montanucci, R.R. 2015. A taxonomic revision of the Phrynosoma douglasii species complex (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae). Zootaxa 4015(1): 1–177.
Powell, G.L.; Russell, A.P. 1984. The diet of the Eastern Short-horned Lizard (Phrynosoma douglassi brevirostre) in Alberta and its relationship to sexual size dimorphism. Canadian Journal of Zoology 62(3): 428-440.
Powell, G.L.; Russell, A.P. 1985. Field thermal ecology of the Eastern Short-horned Lizard (Phrynosoma douglassi brevirostre) in southern Alberta. Canadian Journal of Zoology 63(2): 228-238.
Powell, G.L.; Russell, A.P. 1985. Growth and sexual size dimorphism in Alberta populations of the Eastern Short-horned Lizard, Phrynosoma douglassi brevirostre. Canadian Journal of Zoology 63(1): 139-154.
Powell, G.L.; Russell, A.P. 1991. Distribution of the eastern Short-horned Lizard (Phrynosoma douglassii brevirostre) in Alberta, Canada. Northwestern Naturalist 72(1): 21-26.
Powell, G.L.; Russell, A.P. 1991. Parturition and clutch characteristics of Short-horned Lizards (Phrynosoma douglassii brevirostre) from Alberta. Canadian Journal of Zoology 69(11): 2759-2764.
Powell, G.L.; Russell, A.P. 1993. The range and status of the eastern Short-horned Lizard in the Canadian prairies. Provincial Museum of Alberta Natural History Occasional Paper 19: 278-290.
Scott, C.A. 1977. Canada's prairie lizards. pp. 127-129. In: Mosquin, T. & Suchal, C. (eds.). Canada's threatened species and habitats. Proceedings of the symposium on Canada's threatened species and habitats co-sponsored by the Canadian Nature Federation and the World Wildlife Fund (Canada) held at Ottawa, May 20-24, 1976. Canadian Nature Federation, Ottawa. 185 pp.
Semmar, N.; Roux, M. 2014. A new simplex approach to highlight multi-scale feeding behaviors in forager species from stomach contents: Application to insectivore lizard population. Biosystems 118: 60-75.
Werner, J.K. 1974. Geographic distribution: Phrynosoma douglassi brevirostris. USA: Montana: Glacier Co. Herpetological Review 5(1): 20.
Phrynosoma cerroense
Barbour, T. 1921. A new Phrynosoma from Cerros Island. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 7(192): 113-115.
Jennings, M.R. 1988. Phrynosoma cerroense. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 427: 1-2.
Montanucci, R.R. 2004. Geographic variation in Phrynosoma coronatum (Lacertilia, Phrynosomatidae): Further evidence for a peninsular archipelago. Herpetologica 60(1): 117-139.
Porter, T. 1982. Life history notes: Phrynosoma coronatum jamesi (Coast Horned Lizard). Longevity. Herpetological Review 13(1): 19.
Phrynosoma cornutum
Allison, P.S.; Cepeda, J.C. 2009. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma cornutum (Texas Horned Lizard). Nesting; hatchling behavior; predation. Herpetological Review 40(1): 90.
Allison, P.S.; Cepeda, J.C. 2009. Nesting and hatchling behavior of the Texas Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum). Southwestern Naturalist 54(2): 211-213.
Allison, P.S.; Cepeda, J.C. 2010. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma cornutum (Texas Horned Lizard). Nesting behavior. Herpetological Review 41(1): 83-84.
Ballinger, R.E.; Schrank, G.D. 1970. Acclimation rate and variability of the critical thermal maximum in the lizard Phrynosoma cornutum. Physiological Zoology 43: 19-22.
Barbault, R. 1980. L'analyse de l'organisation des peuplements, etape capitale dans l'etude des ecosystemes. Acta Oecologica Oecologia Generalis 1(3): 237-247.
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Phrynosoma coronatum
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Phrynosoma diminutum
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Phrynosoma ditmarsi
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Zamudio, K.R. 1998. The evolution of female-biased sexual size dimorphism: a population level comparative study in horned lizards (Phrynosoma). Evolution 52(6): 1821-1833.
Phrynosoma douglasii
Ashton, K.G.; Ashton, K.L. 1998. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma douglasi (Short-horned Lizard). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 29(3): 168-169.
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Phrynosoma goodei
Lara-Resendiz, R.A. 2013. Herpetoculture notes: Phrynosoma goodei (Goode’s Horned Lizard). Aggressive behavior. Herpetological Review 44(1): 94.
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Phrynosoma hernandesi
Adams, A.A.Y.; Adams, R.D.; Skagen, S.K.; Martin, D.J. 2016. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma hernandesi (Greater Short-horned Lizard). Commensalism. Herpetological Review 47(3): 467.
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Phrynosoma mcallii
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Phrynosoma modestum
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Phrynosoma orbiculare
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Powell, G.L.; Russell, A.P.; Ryan, M.J. 2002. Ontogenetic scaling of the cranial horn array in Phrynosoma orbiculare (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae). Journal of Herpetology 36(4): 578-589.
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Woolrich-Piña, G.A.; Smith, G.R.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A. 2013. Body temperatures of three species of Phrynosoma from Puebla, Mexico. Herpetology Notes 5: 361-364.
Phrynosoma ornatissimum
Kerfoot, W.C. 1962. An unusually large desert short-horned lizard (Phrynosoma douglassi ornatissimum Iguanidae) from Colorado. Southwestern Naturalist 7: 78-79.
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Phrynosoma platyrhinos
Banta, B.H. 1961. Herbivorous feeding of Phrynosoma platyrhinos in southern Nevada. Herpetologica 17: 136-137.
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Goldberg, S.R. 2012. Notes on reproduction of Desert Horned Lizards, Phrynosoma platyrhinos (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae) from southern California. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 47(7): 89-91.
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Newbold, T.A.S. 2005. Desert horned lizard (Phrynosoma platyrhinos) locomotor performance: The influence of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum). Southwestern Naturalist 50(1): 17-23.
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Phrynosoma sherbrookei
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Phrynosoma solare
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Phrynosoma taurus
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Woolrich-Piña, G.A.; Smith, G.R.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A. 2013. Body temperatures of three species of Phrynosoma from Puebla, Mexico. Herpetology Notes 5: 361-364.
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