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Citation: Midtgaard, Rune. RepFocus - A Survey of the Reptiles of the World. (www.repfocus.dk).
Latest update: July 16th, 2024.

Taxonomy of the family Viperidae
Bibliography of the genus Bothriechis
Biodiversity of the family Viperidae


Palm Pitvipers



1859 Bothriechis Peters (type species: Bothriechis nigroviridis Peters 1859)
1860 Teleuraspis Cope (type species: Trigonocephalus schlegelii Berthold 1846)
1861 Thamnocenchris Salvin (type species: Thamnocenchris aurifer Salvin 1860)
Contents: 19 species, of which 9 (47.4%) are endemic.
Endemism: 0% 100%
Remarks: Previously included in Bothrops.
Distribution: S. Mexico, Central America, NW. South America.
Reported from: Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Tabasco), Nicaragua, Panama, Peru.

Bothriechis aurifer

Yellow-blotched Palm Pitviper

Gelbgefleckte Palmenlanzenotter

Gulplettet Palmelanseslange

1860 Thamnocenchris aurifer Salvin
Bothriechis aurifera Cope 1871
Bothrops aurifer Müller 1877
Lachesis aurifera Boulenger 1896
Trimeresurus aurifer Mocquard 1909
Bothrops nigroviridis aurifera Barbour & Loveridge 1929
Trimeresurus nigroviridis aurifer Smith 1941

Distribution: Guatemala, Mexico (Chiapas).

Bothriechis bicolor

Guatemalan Palm Pitviper

Guatemalische Palmenlanzenotter, Zweifarbige Palmenlanzenotter

Guatemalansk Palmelanseslange

1868 Bothrops bicolor Bocourt
Bothriechis bicolor Günther 1895-1902
Lachesis bicolor Boulenger 1896
Trimeresurus bicolor Mocquard 1909
1978 Bothriechis ornatus Julia-Zertuche & Varela (Campbell & Lamar 2004)
Bothrops ornatus Alvarez del Toro 1982
1877 Bothrops bernoullii Müller (Campbell & Lamar 2004)
Bothriechis bernoullii Müller 1878

Remarks: Previously included the populations now assigned to thalassinus. Records from Honduras refer to that species (McCranie 2011).
Distribution: Guatemala, Mexico (Chiapas).

Bothriechis guifarroi

Texícuat Palm Pitviper



2013 Bothriechis guifarroi Townsend, Medina-Flores, Wilson, Jadin & Austin

Distribution: Honduras.

Bothriechis hussaini

Buenaventura Eyelash Palm Pitviper, (Hussain's Eyelash Pitviper)



2024 Bothriechis hussaini Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio Amorós, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris

Remarks: Previously regarded as a population of schlegelii (Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio Amorós, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris 2024).
Distribution: Ecuador, Peru.

Bothriechis khwargi

Betulia Eyelash Palm Pitviper, (Khwarg's Eyelash Pitviper)



2024 Bothriechis khwargi Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio Amorós, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris

Remarks: Previously regarded as a population of schlegelii (Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio Amorós, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris 2024).
Distribution: Colombia.

Bothriechis klebbai

Charalá Eyelash Palm Pitviper, (Klebba's Eyelash Pitviper)



2024 Bothriechis klebbai Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio Amorós, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris

Remarks: Previously regarded as a population of schlegelii (Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio Amorós, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris 2024).
Distribution: Colombia.

Bothriechis lateralis

Side-striped Palm Pitviper, Yellow-lipped Palm Pitviper

Grüngelbe Palmenlanzenotter

Sidestribet Palmelanseslange

1863 Bothriechis lateralis Peters
Bothrops lateralis Müller 1877
Lachesis lateralis Boulenger 1896

Remarks: Presence in Nicaragua needs confirmation (Campbell & Lamar 2004).
Distribution: Costa Rica, Panama.

Bothriechis marchi

Honduran Palm Pitviper, (March's Palm Pitviper)

Honduranische Palmenlanzenotter, (Marchs Palmenlanzenotter)


1929 Bothrops nigroviridis marchi Barbour & Loveridge
Trimeresurus nigroviridis marchi Clark & Inger 1942
Bothriechis nigroviridis marchi Hoge & Romano-Hoge 1983
Bothriechis aurifer marchi Burger in Pérez-Higareda, Smith & Julia-Zertuche 1985
Bothriechis marchi Campbell & Lamar 1989

Remarks: Presence in Nicaragua is regarded as doubtful (Wilson & McCranie 1992).
Distribution: Honduras.

Bothriechis nigroadspersus

Central American Eyelash Palm Pitviper, Central American Eyelash Pitviper

Zentralamerikanische Greifschwanz-Lanzenotter

Centralamerikansk Brynet Palmelanseslange

1870 Bothrops nigroadspersus Steindachner
Teleuraspis nigroadspersus Cope 1871
Bothriechis nigroadspersus Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio Amorós, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris 2024

Remarks: Previously regarded as a synonym of schlegelii (e.g., Campbell & Lamar 2004). Revalidated as a separate species by Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio Amorós, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris (2024).
Distribution: Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Tabasco), Nicaragua, Panama.

Bothriechis nigroviridis

Black-speckled Palm Pitviper

Schwarzgefleckte Palmenlanzenotter, Schwarzgelbe Palmenlanzenotter

Sortplettet Palmelanseslange

1859 Bothriechis nigroviridis Peters
Bothrops nigroviridis Müller 1877
Lachesis nigroviridis Boulenger 1896
Trimeresurus nigroviridis Pope 1955

Remarks: Previously included aurifer and rowleyi. Records of nigroviridis from Mexico refer to these species.
Distribution: Costa Rica, Panama.

Bothriechis nitidus

Ecuadorian Eyelash Palm Pitviper, Ecuadorian Eyelash Pitviper

Ecuadorianische Greifschwanz-Lanzenotter

Ecuadoriansk Brynet Palmelanseslange

1859 Lachesis nitidus Günther
Teleuraspis nitida Cope 1871
Bothriechis nitidus Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio Amorós, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris 2024
1863 Bothrops boussingaultii Jan (Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio Amorós, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris 2024)

Remarks: Previously regarded as a synonym of schlegelii (e.g., Campbell & Lamar 2004). Revalidated as a separate species by Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio Amorós, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris (2024).
Distribution: Ecuador.

Bothriechis nubestris

Talamanca Palm Pitviper



2016 Bothriechis nubestris Doan, Mason, Castoe, Sasa & Parkinson

Remarks: Previously regarded as a population of nigroviridis.
Distribution: Costa Rica.

Bothriechis rahimi

Esmeraldas Eyelash Palm Pitviper, (Rahim's Eyelash Pitviper)



2024 Bothriechis rahimi Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio Amorós, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris

Remarks: Previously regarded as a population of schlegelii (Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio Amorós, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris 2024).
Distribution: Colombia, Ecuador.

Bothriechis rasikusumorum

Huila Eyelash Palm Pitviper, (Shah's Eyelash Pitviper)



2024 Bothriechis rasikusumorum Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio Amorós, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris

Remarks: Previously regarded as a population of schlegelii (Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio Amorós, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris 2024).
Distribution: Colombia.

Bothriechis rowleyi

Mexican Palm Pitviper, (Rowley's Palm Pitviper)

Rowleys Palmenlanzenotter

Mexicansk Palmelanseslange

1968 Bothrops rowleyi Bogert
Bothrops nigroviridis rowleyi Smith & Moll 1969
Bothriechis rowleyi Campbell & Lamar 1989
1969 Bothrops nigroviridis macdougalli Smith & Moll (Campbell & Lamar 2004)

Distribution: Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca).

Bothriechis schlegelii

Highland Eyelash Palm Pitviper, Highland Eyelash Pitviper, Horned Palm Pitviper

Kolumbianische Greifschwanz-Lanzenotter

Colombiansk Brynet Palmelanseslange

1845 Trigonocephalus schlegelii Berthold
Teleuraspis schlegelii Cope 1860
Bothrops schlegelii Jan 1863
Thanatos schlegelii Posada-Arango 1889
Thanatophis schlegelii Posada-Arango 1889
Bothriechis schlegelii Günther 1895-1902
Lachesis schlegelii Boulenger 1896
Trimeresurus schlegelii Mocquard 1909
1896 Thanatophis colgadora García (Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio AmorĂ³s, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris 2024)

Remarks: Previously included nigroadspersus, nitidus, and torvus, as well as the populations now assigned to hussaini, khwargi, klebbai, rahimi, and rasikusumorum (Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio Amorós, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris 2024). Records from Venezuela are regarded as erroneous (Mumaw, González & Fernández 2015).
Distribution: Colombia.

Bothriechis schlegelii
© Rune Midtgaard

Bothriechis supraciliaris

Blotched Palm Pitviper

Bunte Palmenlanzenotter

Broget Palmelanseslange

1954 Bothrops schlegelii supraciliaris Taylor
Bothrops supraciliaris Stuart 1963
Bothriechis supraciliaris Solórzano, Gómez, Monge-Nájera, & Crother 1998

Remarks: Previously regarded as a synonym of schlegelii (e.g., Werman 1984b; Campbell & Lamar 1989). Revalidated by Solórzano, Gómez, Monge-Nájera, & Crother (1998), although regarded as a valid species in some previous works (e.g., Harding & Welch 1980; Hoge & Romano-Hoge 1981).
Distribution: Costa Rica, Panama.

Bothriechis thalassinus

Merendón Palm Pitviper

Meerblaue Palmenlanzenotter


2000 Bothriechis thalassinus Campbell & Smith

Remarks: Previously regarded as populations of bicolor (McCranie 2011).
Distribution: El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras.

Bothriechis torvus

Birri Eyelash Palm Pitviper, Birri Eyelash Pitviper



1889 Thanatos torvus Posada-Arango
Thanatophis torvus Posada-Arango 1889
Bothriechis torvus Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio Amorós, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris 2024
1909 Teleuraspis birri Posada-Arango (Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio Amorós, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris 2024)

Remarks: Previously regarded as a synonym of schlegelii (e.g., Campbell & Lamar 2004). Revalidated as a separate species by Arteaga, Pyron, Batista, Vieira, Meneses Pelayo, Smith, Barrio Amorós, Koch, Agne, Valencia, Bustamante & Harris (2024).
Distribution: Colombia, Panama.